Friday, 14 August 2020

Book Week

We have had a very fun week at Marshland School, we have been celebrating Book Week!

This week has been full of lots of exciting things. There has been a door display competition between the hubs, a dress up day on Thursday where we came dressed as our favourite book character and had a parade through the school. All of our learning has been based around fairytales as that was our hubs theme. 

Hope you enjoy these cool photos from our great week!

Korimako Team

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Friday Winter Sports

We have now been going to New Brighton on Friday afternoons for Winter Sport. Students are doing a variety of sports including football, capture the flag, table tennis, netball and more. So far so good with great results and a lot of fun. Thank you to those parents who help out with the coaching, we wouldn't be able to go without you!

Friday, 31 July 2020

Epro8 Excitement!

This week we have begun our builds for the Epro8 challenge. Two teams have completed their build and we have one team to complete theirs next week. This year's challenge was to build a mechanical animal measuring 1-2 metres. It had to have a moving part that could be moved using a crank handle.
One team built a crab with a moving arm and the other team built Eric the eagle. Well done! We can't wait to see what our last team creates next week. What animal would you build if you were entering Epro8? 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Cycle Safety

Kia ora,

We are so happy to be back at school and to be back into the swing of things!

This week the Korimako year 6's have had the chance to take part in Cycle Safety lead by the Christchurch City Council. This is a two day programme that teaches students the road rules for when they are out cycling as well as basic cycle maintenance.

A highlight for the students has definitely been the opportunity to ride around the Prestons neighbourhood. It has been the perfect practice ground as they have been able to learn how to ride through roundabouts, make right turns and learn how to use the traffic lights.

Korimako Team

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Korimako Art

This term we have been completing an art rotation every Friday. Students have had the choice of 3 options:
- Tangled Letters - Learning about doodling and learning how to shade with pen
- Colourful Koru - Researching different koru designs and using pastel colouring techniques
- Funky Portraits - Using Romero Britto as inspiration and using bright colours to make our portraits pop!

Students have enjoyed this rotation as they have had choice over which art piece they would like to complete.

Here are some of our fantastic pieces!

Korimako Team

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Korimako Day Trips

Last week in Korimako we had two amazing class trips to The Groynes & Spencer Park. Our activities ranged from Sports Games, to Bivouac to Beach Sprints & Sand Castles. This linked in perfectly with our Term's Inquiry of Relationships. We hope everyone enjoyed their time outside the classroom, took new risks and made new friends.

Here are just some of the amazing pictures taken during our two days!

Korimako Team

Monday, 24 February 2020

Dates to remember...

Kia ora whānau, 

Please note we have some new dates to look forward to:

Top Team: Thursday 27th February 9.30am - 12.30pm.
This is an event held by Sport Canterbury here at school. Your child will wear house colour mufti and may need a change of clothes. 

Museum Trip: Monday OR Tuesday 2nd or 3rd March
Monday- Korimako Atkinson, Bell and Roberts to go to museum to learn about settlers to New Zealand. At 9.15am the bus leaves school and will pick up at 2pm from Margaret Mahy to return to school. 
Tuesday- Korimako Kerin, Sutherland and Smith
Huckster kids will go on Monday 

Swimming Sports:  Wednesday 4th March (for those who have signed up)

Zone Swimming Sports: Wednesday 18th March (for those who qualify)

Last day of term: Wednesday 8th April

Monday, 10 February 2020

Meet Our Teachers

In Korimako we have 6 wonderful teachers and 1 fantastic teacher aide. Let's get to know our teachers a little bit more! Do you have anything in common with the teachers?

Mr Sutherland

Favourite Food: Roast Chicken
Favourite Country Visited: Bolivia
Favourite Activity: Playing basketball

Mrs Atkinson

Favourite Food: Pad Thai
Favourite Country Visited: Australia
Favourite Activity: Reading

Mrs Kerin

Favourite Food: Tacos
Favourite Country Visited: Italy
Favourite Activity: Spending time with friends

Miss Roberts

Favourite Food: BBQ Steak
Favourite Country Visited: Vietnam
Favourite Activity: Netflix

Miss Smith

Favourite Food: Popcorn
Favourite Country Visited: Samoa
Favourite Activity: Waling my dog Ted

Mr Bell

Favourite Food: Sushi
Favourite Country Visited: Sri Lanka
Favourite Activity: Football / Looking at myself in the mirror


Favourite Food: Thai Green Curry
Favourite Country Visited: New Zealand
Favourite Activity: Fishing

Monday, 27 January 2020

Welcome to Korimako 2020

Kia ora whānau, 

Haere mai to our new whānau and those returning back to Marshland School. 
This is our class blog. Each week we will upload a blog post that shows our learning for the week. 
This blog will also help model effective blogging to our tamariki. When we post a blog we will always use the 'Think Six' method. The 'Think Six' is when we think about whether we have included the following 6 things:

  1. Title
  2. An introduction- what have we been learning about?
  3. DLO- our Digital Learning Object
  4. Reflection- how did our learning go?
  5. A question to prompt our readers to comment
  6. Sources- where did we get our information.